The Nightmare

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Kylo's POV
Rey is gripping my arm, her distant eyes are changing from a brownish green into a more yellow like color, and she isn't phased by my questions. I move my hands from her face to her shoulders.

"Rey? Rey?!" She contuines to stare straight ahead. "What is it?" Her eyes narrow and fill with tears that don't dare pour out. "Rey, can you hear me?!" I shout. Her hand grips arm harder. "Rey!"

She passes out, releasing her grip, and slumping forward against my hands holding her up. What the fuck just happened?! This isn't the Rey I know. She's changing. The Dark Side is changing her already.

There's a buzz from the door bell. I position Rey to sleep on the couch.

I open the door and see General Hux. "What do you want?"

"Where's Rey hmmm?"

I step aside, so he can see her on the couch.

"Pleased with your findings?"

"Why is she asleep?"

"Why are you at my door?" My eyes narrowing at his annoying ginger self.

"We're holding a dinner in honor of Rey joining of us."

"When will this be?"

"Tonight, uniforms are required. It'll be held in the upper rank dining room."

"Fine." I look over my shoulder at Rey on the couch. "But don't have Lillian at my table... Actually don't have her there at all."

Hux smiles. "I'll see what I can do, Ren." He turns and begins walking away. He looks over his shoulder, "Dinner's in an hour."

I close the door and look over at Rey. She had on her uniform, her 3 buns in place, and looks amazing. She looks dark, yet like she would rather save people than rule planets.

I had dreams of Rey when we weren't fighting and we didn't always fight. We tried persuading the other to come to their side. Looks like I had finally won. I had other dreams though. Rey and I going to a ball together, a picnic date, meeting her friends, but on Yavin 4. I had woken up with Rey in my arms on the cot and a dream that I lost her. She had left with FN 2187, the droid, and a pilot, back to the Resistance.

She couldn't leave, I wouldn't let her. I followed her to the ship, but before she could board she looked at me and shouted "Ben!" Then I woke up. I didn't know what it meant. It scared me. I remember laying there with Rey in my arms and wondering what would happen to us.

I hear Rey stirring and come to reality. We aren't on Yavin 4, we're on a battleship, heading to Hoth. We have a small base there and there are reports of a resistance base nearby that we can overthrow if we surprise attack them and are able to get our hands on some fighters.

I'm looking at Rey and I reach out my hand to peer into her mind, but before I enter I hear her cry out. "No!" I kneel down beside her. She begins whispering, "no, no, no, come back. Come back to me." She begins to cry. She's not waking up, but it's clear she's having a nightmare. I hold her hand and gently rub my thumb over it. I shake her with my other and her eyes shoot open in a panic and her head rises. Kylo? Kylo? She sees me and squeezes my hand.

"What was it?" I look into her eyes again.

"A nightmare." She looks down at couch. "An awful nightmare."

"What happened?"

"I rather not talk about it."

"Show me than?"

"I don't want you to see, hear, or know about it."

"Why not?" She's starting to anger me. I left go of her hand and stand. She gets up as well and off the couch.

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