Kylo Ren's Dead

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Rey's POV
I'm walking down the hall to room A-113. I enter the code easily and the door slides open. The room looks like how I left it, except it's clean, spotless even. I walk back into my old closet. I recognize the old red chair in the middle. I sit down and try to remember something, anything, about a memory in here.

I stand and stare a hanger when I suddenly feel someone attaching something to my back. I turn to see no one.

I'm dazed at how real it felt. I scrunch my eyebrows and walk out. I head into the bathroom I see a vanity at which I remember sitting at and doing my hair. I used to wear it in three buns, but I let it flow now as I walk through the halls and people look at me.

I open a draw and see my hair ties and bobby pins. I feel the urge to pull the draw further and do so.

There's a black bracelet, it's similar to the one I used to wear as a child. I turn it over in my hands and see writing on it.

'Kylo Ren'

I enter my room.

"Rey?" Hux comes out of the kitchen. "Oh dear, I missed you today during those awful meetings."

I smile at Hux as he steps forward and hugs me.

"I missed you too."

He breaks from the hug first, but keeps his arms around my waist.

"Where were you?"

"I went back to my old room. Wanted to see if I could find anything to reboot my memory."

"Oh." He looks down, then back up. "Did you?" I slide my hand in my pocket and pull out the bracelet. "Oh your bracelet?"

I curiously look down at it. "What does this mean?"

He unwraps his arms and takes it, walking over to the couch. He sits down reading the note.

"Where did you find this?"

"In my old vanity."

"Hmmm." He hums to himself. "Sassy." He calls out.

Sassy comes out from her room. "Yes sir?"

"Set me up a meeting with FN-2199."

"Yes sir. Is that all?"

"Yes." He hands me back the bracelet, as I take a seat next to him.

"I remember Kylo Ren."

"You do?" Hux questions.

"Yeah. He was my teacher at one point, yes?"

"Yes. What else?"

"He seemed like he was very intimidating, like I remember being afraid of him, yet I feel like I knew him."

"Well he was intimidating, he would often push you around and being overly protective of you."


"We found you as a scavenger on Jakku, Snoke and Kylo sensed you."

"Sensed me?"

"The force. Some force user thing."

"Oh yeah. That's right I'm a force user."

"Yes. Now shall we eat dear before I head off to another meeting."

Kylo's POV
I hear the door creak open and jump from the couch hoping to see Rey, but fund disappointment instead.

I sigh.

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