Teacher's Pet

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Rey's POV
I fell asleep in Kylo's arms last night and now I wake wrapped up in them.

I can sense he's already awake. "Good morning." He mumbles from behind me.

"Good morning." I close my eyes and enjoy this moment not knowing when this will happen again. Maybe tomorrow, maybe never again.

I begin to worry. What if I'm not accepted on the Dark Side. I know Kylo Ren has accepted me, but the others like General Hux, Captain Phasma, and Supreme Leader Snoke. Why did Snoke send Kylo for me anyways.

I twist in his arms to face him. His eyes are closed, but I know he's awake. "Why did Snoke send you for me?"

He opens his eyes, "I don't know, but..." He hesitates. "I informed the First Order yesterday that we are stuck together here on Yavin 4..."

"Why didn't you tell me." So that's what he was up to yesterday.

"They will be here this afternoon." I lean forward and kiss him, then remove his arms from around me. I get up and grab my go bag and walk out of the room. I'm not ready to face the First Order.

I open the bag and move our lightsabers. I see some clothes, my grey pants and vest from my trip to Ahch-To.

I had returned to say goodbyes and grab more belonging from D'Qar and also to Jakku for some small belongings like my pilot doll, pilot helmet, and some kitchen supplies. I took the pilot doll and clothes back to Ahch-To, but the rest went my apartment I was assigned on D'Qar. I seriously hope Finn packed my room when the base was moved.

Shit, what will Finn think when he finds out I'm dating Kylo Ren. I mean we are best friends, nothing more, but I still care about his opinion on me. Hell, he'll be pissed and disown me when he finds out I'm on the Dark Side now. The very thing he ran from.

I slip on my grey pants and walk back to the 'Private' room. I see Kylo on the cot, I can sense he's awake, but I don't feel like talking to him. I take off his shirt that I was wearing and throw it at his face. "Put a shirt on."

"Am I too distracting?" I hear the playfulness in his voice, but I'm not in the mood to mess around.

"You said we were training today." I slip on my shirt from yesterday then my grey vest. I pull out our lightsabers then put them back in. He stands up to put his shirt on and walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. He lays his head on my shoulder, but just don't move.

I stand there waiting for him to be done. I don't know what to do or how to react to this. He's showing me affection and I know we are a couple, but this is new to me. Plus I'm a little upset with him for not telling me about him contacting the First Order.

"Babe, I'm sorry for not telling you I contacted them. I wanted you to stay with me." Did he just call me babe?

"So were you gonna knock me out and just take me hostage in the ship?" I pause. "Again." I'm starting to get more upset and set the bag down on the desk in front of me.

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