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Rey's POV
"Do you love Lillian?" I'm looking into Kylo's eyes.

"No, she's not you." I feel the tears gathering in my eyes. "Rey." He takes my hand and I don't snatch it away. "Lillian, isn't you." I blink away the tears, no, I can't get emotional over this. "It is you." I look back at him once the tears have fully retreated. "I love you, Rey."

"Kylo, I

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"Kylo, I..." I'm lost for words.

"Rey, I love you. I love your smile, your laugh, the way your eyes change colors, the way you don't take shit from people, the way you're protective of me, how you can show your true emotions around me, the way your a dork yet a badass, the way you kiss me, but what I love most is seeing you happy. Rey, I love you. No one will ever change that. I promise I will never abandon you and you will always have a place here in my arms and heart."

"Kylo, I... I don't love you... I'm sorry."

"What?" I could see the tears dwelling up in his eyes.

"What?" I could see the tears dwelling up in his eyes

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"Kylo I don't know what love is or what I'm feeling. This is all happening so fast." Kylo took a deep breathe and got up. "Where are you going?"

"To think." I hear him leave the room and sense him walking away. I shift positions and clutch on to one of his pillows, it smells like him. I began crying, "What did I do?" and "I'm sorry." into the pillow, which becomes quickly damp by my tears.

Kylo's POV
"To think." I told Rey as I move closer to the door. I exit and begin walking. There was really no where to go on the ship to have some alone time besides your room. I remember the training room I have and begin walking there. It's close by and I enter in the passcode before the door slides open. It's mainly an empty room with mats lining the floor and some weapons, most in a chest. I sit in the corner and cry. She can't love me, I'm a monster.


Kylo's POV
I wake up in my training room. I wipe my face free of the stained, dried tears. I rise to my feet and slowly make my way back to my room. I enter the room and...

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