The Room

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Rey's POV
I follow Kylo and Hux up the ramp and into the shuttle. Two stormtroopers eye me and I lower my head and watch Kylo and Hux's feet.

Did you want to change your name from Rey?

No, Master.

Okay. Kylo stops along with Hux and I look up. "Rey this is General Hux, General this is Rey, my new appertince." We nod at each other. "You will go with him." I nod at Kylo.

"Yes, Master. " I see General Hux smirk at Kylo like I'm his submissive bitch. I glare at Hux who doesn't see it, but Kylo does and glares at Hux, who quickly wipes the smirk off his face.

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Any problems, let me know.

Oh, you'll hear about it.

"Well, we must be on our way." Hux says to Kylo. "Rey." He gestures down a hallway, I nod to Kylo and start down the short hallway with only two doors. I stop between the two doors that are across from each other. He opens the left one and I see it's dark inside. He gestures for me to go in and I do, he takes a step in and turns on the light, then shuts and locks the door.

I look around the small room. There's a metal chair and handcuffs attached to the wall near the chair.

Why am I in a cell?

I move the chair away from the handcuffs across the room. Kylo doesn't reply for about twenty minutes, so I'm just sitting there removing dirt from under my nails, then I hear.

It's our only spare room at the moment. I'm sorry love.

Why couldn't I be with you?

It'll take some time for you to be trusted.

Right back at your stormtroopers and everyone else.

Do you trust me?

Yes. Do you trust me?

Of course... We should be landing soon. General Hux will escort you off the shuttle and to a room until we can meet with Supreme Leader Snoke.

Okay, so just follow orders?

Yes. If you try to reach me and I don't reply I'm with Snoke or dealing with other business, but I'll make time for you. I promise.

You better.

I feel the ship land and the cell door opens, General Hux steps in and motions for me to exit the room. I walk out, then allow him to go in front of me. He leads me off the ship and I realize we are just on a bigger ship, but I can't see what planet we're orbiting or if we are even orbiting a planet.

"I'm guiding you to a room where you will stay until either a stormtrooper, Captain Phasma, Kylo Ren, or myself come for you. There you will..."

"You will take her to room A-113." Kylo interrupts.

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