Hot 'n' Cold

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Rey's POV
The gap between us slowly closes as he looks into my eyes. His dark eyes appear to be a soft golden brown now.

"I'm falling for you, Rey." He looks down at my lips. "I can't help myself."

"I think I'm falling for you too." I never meant to.

His eyes close as do mine and I feel the warmth of his breathe escape as his lips softly lock in with mine

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His eyes close as do mine and I feel the warmth of his breathe escape as his lips softly lock in with mine.

There's a sudden warmth of pleasure vibrating through my body. My hands come off the door and feel his abs. His hands come down and explore the curves on my waist until finding my hips. I pull him closer to me and our kissing deepens as our lips move perfectly in sync. My hands travel up to his neck and I run my fingers through the hair on his neck.

I pull away and catch my breathe. Our foreheads touch and I open my eyes. His are still closed and I can't believe I just did that.

"What are we going to do?" I wait for his eyes to open, but they remain closed.

"Work together to get off this planet."

"Come back with me, Kylo." His eyes open and I can see the gold begin to fade.

"They wouldn't accept me there, not unless I was handcuffed and in a cell." He hands begin to ease up on my hips. "I regret what I did to my father. Everyday I think of him." He pauses. "My mother probably doesn't even want me back."

"Your mother misses you, she wants me to bring you back." He pulls back and I miss the feel of him being close to me.

"Supreme Leader Snoke wants me to bring you back." He voices has a certain worry, yet stern sound. "Come back with me. Come to the dark side."

"I... I.. I don't know Kylo." I frown slightly. "Maybe we should go our separate ways." I'm looking down at my feet.

"You don't kiss me like that and get away so easily." He raises his hand
to my chin and raises my head. "Besides, I'll just end up chasing you." He smiles and removes his hand placing it back on my hip.

I pull him in for a hug and he has to lean down some for me. His arms move and wrap around my waist. Don't let me go.

Not planning on it. I can sense him smirk. He's up to something, but I'm not going to ruin the moment.

He lowers down and grabs my thighs lifting my legs up and I wrap them around his waist. He turns around towards the cot and I kiss his neck.

His muscles tense in response and I can tell it's turning him on. "No fair." His deep voice says as he sits down and I lean back while sitting in his lap with my legs still wrapped around him.

"You know I can take whatever I want ." I mock him.

He laughs and I smile.

"Wanna go check out the storm, scavenger?"

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