Is it true love

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*Ashley's POV *

Omg Zayn Freakin Malik is sitting with me!!!!! I was snapped out of my thoughts by Pheonix sayin somthin what? I asked she said" Ash this is Louis my best friend." Then she started to whisper something to him I don't no what though. I felt a pair of eyes on me and when I turned around it was zayn he blushed when I caught him.

*Zayns POV *

This girl Ashley was beautiful. I didn't even realize I was staring until she looked and me and I was sure I was redder than a tomato. I looked and saw Niall staring at Pheonix it was so cute.

*Nialls POV*

I was pretty sure I was staring at her and I couldn't help it she was gorgeous. I wonder if she likes me to but I think she likes Louis.

*Pheonixs POV *

I was tellin Louis about everything. I felt some one staring at me and when I glanced it was Niall I blushed cause Niall is really good lookin. I looked at ash and she was talkin to zayn I think I'll have to play match maker cause clearly zayn likes her and I no for a fact that ash likes him to.

Soooooo I'm sorry if its bad but I decided to write a chapter.

My best friend Louis*a 1D fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now