merry Christmas

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*Pheonixs pov*

"Ash I saw Shane today he's back and I'm scared" I say. she brings me into a hug and says" it will be ok phee I promise "

"No you don't help me ash I'm looking out for you and the baby"  I say. "no I'm gonna help you phee" she states. "no zayn can but your not you have a baby in your belly it's not gonna happen" I say." fine" she says. " does ni no?" she asked. "no" I say. "I heard him talking to demi over the phone and she said let's hook up sometime " I say with tears. " I'm sure he said no phee just ask him" she says. "ok" I say. and we walk out. "hey phee can we go home?" niall asked. "yea" I say and we leave. "phee I got a call from demi and she said that she bailed out Shane and will" he says. "yea I saw him to day" I say. "oh and she said we should hook up but I told her no" he said. "ok I'm gonna go to bed" I say and lay down.

*Nialls pov*

I can't believe she saw Shane I hope that he was far away or she was mistaken.

Sorry if this is bad but yea merry Christmas weirdos :) I got a kindle for Christmas yayayayayayayayayayaya well bye bye bye!!!!!!!

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