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*Pheonixs POV *

Me and niall were chill in at the hotel until its time for him to go to the concert. I was laying on the couch and niall was fixing him some food shocker. when he came back he had nachos. "nachos!!!!" I yelled. "want some?" niall asked. "yea" I said. "to bad I don't share food" he said. "pwetty pwease" I asked. "fine" he says and handed me the tray so he could sit down. " get off" I say. " but why you are a comfy pillow" he said. "please get off" I said. "only if I get a kiss" he said then leans in for a kiss right when are lips were about to touch I rolled off the couch and he fell with me. " hey no fair" he pouts. " I no but you wet crushing my legs" I say. "can I still have a kiss though?" he asked. " yea you do" I answered.

OK I no this sucks but ya no I'm really bored so yea its as good as it gets and my new phone is white and pretty I have the croods its the best movie ever its so funny!!! well by thanks for reading and stay cool or weird either one works bye bye bye!!!!

My best friend Louis*a 1D fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now