another no name chapter

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*Pheonixs POV *

I was currently waiting for Paul to bring me a pregnant test. niall was waiting with me and every one else was out shopping. only me,ash,niall, and paul no about this if it comes up positive then we'll tell management. about five minutes after I made nachos paul came back with a test. I walk into the bathroom and do what I have to do. we wait and when I check it its a negative sign. "ni its a negative no baby"I said. "ok well thats good at least we don't have to wonder who the dad is" he answers with a smile. I text ash

ash its a - sign no baby xoxo phee

ok phee can we come back now

yea sure c u later xoxo phee.

ten minutes later they were back liam seemed happy. "why is liam so happy?" I ask him. "I'm met a girl she's really nice and pretty" he answers with a grin. "what is this girls name?" I ask. " her name is Lauren lam she's from Canada!!!" he says. I no that name some were but I can't remember where. "oh well I'd love to meet her she's seems nice"I say. "OK I'll text her now and she can come to the hotel room" he says.

*Louis POV *

Lauren lam I swear I've herd phee talk about her some were about when she lived in Canada but I can't remember if it was good or bad.

OK so today is 1D day and I don't get to watch it cause my mom and dad says its a waist of time :( so you lucky ducks who get to watch it enjoy it cause I don't get to but I might get to see catching fire today so that's good and yea bye have a nice day you lucky ducks!!

My best friend Louis*a 1D fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now