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*Pheonixs POV *

I woke up to the sound of someone touching my drums I sat straight up and seen it was josh I jumped up and hugged him. "don't ever touch my drums" I state. "yea your defiantly family I. the same way with my drums" he says. I walk out and everyone looks at me I remember that I'm still in my pjs and haven't brushed my hair yet I look like um dead. I just shrug it off and make home made french toast cause its awesome. when I turn around I see them taking my food "hey that's mine" I pout. " not anymore" the say. I fix some more and eat." what's our plans for today?" I ask. "nothing!!!" they yell. I go into the living room and plug up my Xbox and then niall,Louis,harry,and zayn take all the controllers. "hey I wanted to play" I pouted. "so we are playing" harry said. "let's go to the park" I yell. "yea " ash says. with that we got ready and grabbed a soccer ball. I wore a T-shirt I stole from louis awhile back and a pair of shorts and my nike's. when we got there I seen a swing so I went to go get on it and I fell leave it to me to trip over air. "how was your trip phee" ash picked. "shut up" I mumble. we play around for about an hour then fans started to crowed around us and I hated it I hate crowds and Louis and niall no that so niall grabbed my hand and held it as we ran to the car.

yea its crap oh well

My best friend Louis*a 1D fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now