Friendship is tested

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*Pheonixs POV *

Jeydon is almost here I can't wait I haven't seen him in years and hunter I can't wait to see him. I heard ash scream in and tell some one to get the out of our house. I ran down stairs and saw rachel on top of ash throwin punches. I tan up to her and grabbed her by her hair and threw her to the ground and said if ever fucking touch ash again I will personal beat the shit out of you. Rachel just laughed at me said you didn't do squat last the when I fucked your boyfriend. That's when I lost it all I could see is red and I jumped on top of her and I hit her repeatedly until I saw red on my hands and I was being pulled off of her by a guy but it wasn't Louis it was jeydon I turned around and hugged him. I looked for hunter and he walked up to me and kissed me on the lips and said phee I've always loved you and will you be my girlfriend ? I looked at jeydon and he said I don't care he's my friend he'll be good for you. I looked at niall and he looked heart broken I looked at rachel and she got up and kissed niall and he kissed her back. I said yes and niall stopped and looked at me with hatred in his eyes and screamed you little bitch you broke her fucking nose. Hunter tensed up and balled up his fist and walked over and punched niall in the face and said don't you ever talk to her like that.

*Nialls POV *

I can't believe I just said that I screamed at the girl I love no not Rachel I love pheonix. But then I felt a fist on my jaw and heard someone say don't you ever talk to her like that again. I couldn't move I just stayed there on the ground.

*Zayns POV *

I asked Ashley if I could talk to her alone she said yea sure. I was nervous but I just kinda blurted it out will you go on a date with me?

*Ashley's POV *

Zayn just asked me on a date. I can't believe it he asked me on a date. I said yes and he was so happy he said to dress nice and I groaned I hate dresses but oh well.

My best friend Louis*a 1D fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now