The return of jack

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*Pheonixs POV *

Well I'm still sore thanks to hunter. My old friend savannah is coming to London I'm so happy and so is ash she has been in a good mood since her and zayn got together. I heard a knock at the door and I ran down and there was savanna her and all her shortness. I hugged her and said its nice to see u poofy. Hey ash poofys here. I seen a topless Ashley come down the stairs and zayn with messed up hair. I didn't even ask cause frankly I don't wanna no.

*Wills POV *

Stupid kid that hunter kid failed he was supposed to get the door and have her tied up. But no she answered the door. I had to leave. But jacks back. Thank the lord.

So thank you 4 reading this chapter what do ya think????

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