How am I so lucky

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*Pheonixs POV *

He was chasing me my dad he was almost catching up to me but I ran track in school so I'm pretty fast. I can't believe niall was helping them right when I get to the woods I look back he's right on my tail he pulls out a gun I ran as fast as I could through the trees then I heard a loud bang!! and a sharp pain in my leg he shot my leg but I kept going I found a creek with a little cave big enough for me to fit in I climbed in it but he grabbed my leg and yanked I yelled and screamed and kicked him and swung my arms around he pulled out a knife and as he was slitting my throat I woke up. I was covered in sweat I seen niall looking at me with worry in his eyes I crawl over to him and curl up in his lap and hugged him I told him about what happened in my dream and he said "I'd never ever do that to you I promise" I smiled and stayed there a little bit longer then he said he had to tell me something" you can go on tour with us" once those words left his mouth I was so happy I hugged him and then I asked when do we leave? " in three days" we have to get packed then" I say. I jump up and looked in my closet and o seen how my suitcase was at the top of the closet I jumped trying to reach it I felt nialls arms wrap around my waist and he lifted me up so I could get them. when he put me down I turned around and kissed him. he pulled away and grabbed his suitcase and started throwing random close in there I just laughed. I went and grabbed my shirts pants and dresses. I then grabbed my hair stuff like my curler and straightner. when I was done I looked at nialls and it wouldn't close I took out every thing and folded it. when niall walked in he had a tux on. he told me to dress nice I grabbed my pink dress. when we got in the car I asked were are we going? "a date" he states in a duh tone. "no shit Sherlock were is the date at" its at  a place with food" I just gave up cause he is full of smart remarks. when we got there it was a small little swing set there I looked at him and he smiled he lead me towards the swing and I sat down on it. "so I dressed nice for a swing date?" yea pretty much" I just laughed at him he pulled out a basket and a blanket. he laid it down and pulled out food I sat down and ate I saw him pull out his guitar. he started to strum it I heard the familiar tune of "It will rain"by Bruno Mars. I smiled cause he new it was my favorite song. after he finished singing the song he handed me the guitar. I looked at him he walked to me and sat down he pulled me onto his lap he showed me where to put my hands. I started to strum a tune it was horrible. he laughed at me. "why don't  I just stick to drums" I tell him."you can play drums?" he asks "yea I can I'll teach you one day" ya OK". it started to rain he picked me up and swung me around. he slipped on mud and fell he made sure I didn't hit the ground when I looked at him he had mud in his hair so I grabbed some mud and smeared it all over his face. he then held my waist with one hand and put mud on my face with the other then it turned into a mud fight. he started to chase after me with mud but I out ran him and by the time I stopped I was breathing heave I need to get back into shape. I felt someone grab me from behind I turned to face niall and when I did he put mud on me. "how am I so lucky?"I whispered. "why wouldn't you be?"he asked. "when I was younger I got picked on cause I didn't have a flat stomach or a pimple free face I got called names and they tried to beat me up and a lot of times they did but that was before I took boxing lessons but jeydons dad still got the best of me"I mumbled. "well you are perfect phee and look at you now you have some awesome friends and a sexy boyfriend" he said with a wink. I laughed and rolled my eyes. that's one of the reasons I love niall he can make me laugh no matter how sad I am.

Yay its an update!!!! I got to spend the entire weekend with my great grama and I got to sleep all day but my direct tv got turned off so now I watch Netflix but the down side of it is I can't watch the walking dead on Sundays but I am gonna go up to my gramas and watch it so yea yea yea the walking dead!!! for those who don't watch it you need to its amazing!!!! so yea bye peoples.

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