The interview

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*Pheonixs POV *

we are getting ready for the interview. its all the bays and Ashley and me. I'm super nervous niall came in and we sat down he hugged me and said"its ok phee don't worry they'll love you"thanks ni its just what if they ask about my mom and dad and family" just talk about hunter say that you don't like talking about it I'll always be here for you and if you wanna tell them tell them" but I don't want sympathy" you won't". I felt better but I still needed something to wear cause I don't wanna go out there in just sweats and a t-shirts. I look in the wardrobe and see a green sparkly top and a skinny jeans I put that on and my green vans.

~~during the interview ~~

"So Ashley zayn where do you two plan on going for your honeymoon? " we were thinking of going to Hawaii or Paris"oh those are lovely places" so harry liam and louis seem to be the only single ones left but harry maybe you could change that"the interviewer says with a wink. I cough and she looks at me annoyed "ahhh yes and the lovely new couple Niall and ummm well I don't no her nam really but oh well" niall seemed annoyed by her attitude towards me"Pheonix her name is pheonix"niall spits. "oh well pheonix how long do you expect for you and niall to be together" ummm I don't no but I hope a long time" I say with a smile and niall smiles to. "whatever you say" she mumbles. " niall how pretty do you think pheonix is in a scale of one to ten"she asks. " at least a twelve" he states and I blush."how much do you rate me on a scale of one to ten" she asks niall. "a one you are to old for me" sureee" she says with a wink at the end. " hi I'd appreciate it if you don't flirt with my boyfriend when I'm right here" I say. "phee its ok" niall whispers"no its not ni I don't like it"I mumble" neither do I phee but they do it anyway you no my heart is yours" he says I just nod. "so boys do you have anyone you have your eye on" yea actually I have a girlfriend her name is savannah she's amazing" harry says. the interviewer looked pissed "what about you Louis?" yea me to I have Taegan she's beautiful" well that's all the time we have today" she says.

yay the interview is done!!!! OK so on the bus I yelled rape because my best friend tried to take her hoodie away from me then I hit her in the boob it wasn't on purpose and then I elbowed her not on purpose. yea my best friend puts up with a lot.

My best friend Louis*a 1D fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now