the plan

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*Wills POV *

its 11:45 I'm waiting for jack to give me the signal I look in the window and she's asleep on some guys lap and he's playing with her hair. jack knocks on the door and he gets up she gets up and looks around. I then jump through the window and grab her she screams for niall I guess that's his name. oh well just then I hit the ground and pheonix got up and ran to him and held on to him for dear life she pulled out her phone and called someone. I try to get up but I couldn't there was someone laying on me I saw the guy. five minutes later the police are here and has jack in hand cuffs.

*Pheonixs POV *

He's gone the police took them. hey ni I'm gonna take a nap will you lay with me?"yea sure love." thank you." I went up to my room and changed into my sheep pajama pants and a pink t shirt. ni was on my bed laying down I got in bed and grabbed my blanket and snuggled up in it and ni laid down behind me and wrapped his arm around me I snuggled closer into my blanket and him.

*Nialls POV *

This moment felt so right. Pheonix is snuggled up to me I never thought she would and I love her so much I wish I could tell her.

yay I think this is a good chaptet but what do u think???

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