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*Wills POV *

Our plan is going to start at 12 and its 3 she better watch out but hunter is trying to save her but its not gonna work cause he's locked up in my basement were pheonix will be.

*Nialls POV *

I called phee she said I can come over. I just told her what happened with me and rachel and she just sat there with a straight face. "What's wrong phee?" I saw him out side my house he's here" she said in tears. I tell her its ok,but she is shaking I ask her if I can no what happened. she nodded her head yes

*Flash back*

Me,dad, and jeydon were home. Jeydon was waiting on hunter to get there so they could go to the movies. Hunter said he was outside jeydon gave me a hug and said be back in a hour call if you need anything. he new how dad was abusing me when he gets drunk and he stays drunk a lot. When he left my adopted dad left to go to a bar and mum wasn't home so it was just me. I heard a knock at the door and I checked and seen it was will my real dad tears swelled in my eyes I've missed him but when my real mom died I got adopted by jeydons family. I opened the door not thinking about it he had a smirk on his face and he had a knife in his hands. I screamed and ran up the stairs. he chased after me and when I got to my room he burst through the door. he grabbed my wrist and said scream and I will not hesitate to kill you. he picked me up and took me to his car and drove off. when I got to his house I saw uncle jack he smiled evilly at me. I started to cry. he threw me on his bed and locked the door. he took off all of his close then when I refused to remove my close he grabbed the knife and cut my shirt and pants and under wear and bra off he grabbed a condom and put it on and raped me. After words he threw me out side and it was raining and uncle jack came up and hit me really hard I started to sobbing and  scream for help I remembered I had my phone I called jeydon and asked him to pick me up I'm at the creepy house my real dad kidnapped me and cut my close so bring a hoody for me to wear.

*End of flash back*

* Nialls POV *

As phee was telling me the story tears rolled down my face I see why she doesn't go around people much and u looked at her wrist and there were more than just those scars she told me how jack cut her wrist after words.

Well y'all finally got to find out about pheonixs past what do ya think?????

My best friend Louis*a 1D fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now