Time to escape

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*Pheonixs POV *

I heard Shane coming down the steps me and hunter have been planning this for a few hours and were ready. Shane came down and took my shirt and pants off(they didn't give me a bra or underwear) I whimpered as usual. he just smirked at me. while he was raping me hunter crawled over to his pants and took his phone he put it were a missing brick was. After shane was done he got his close and went up stairs and locked the door. We waited for about five minutes then I grabbed the phone and called ashley she answered the phone and I said ash its me phee I'm trapped in my basement shane was helping my dad please hurry as I hung up shane came down and grabbed me by the hair and slammed my head against the wall there was a lot of blood but I was use to the pain by now cause they would beat me and hunter but I protected him so I got hit a lot shane left and I crawled to the bathroom and looked in the mirror blood was running down my face I grabbed a towel and put it on my head. I called 9-11 they said we'll be there soon mama and hung up. About ten minute later I heard yelling from people and the door busted open and the police came and  we called ash and she came and picked us up and cried when she saw me and we cried in each others arms.

yay she's found and saved!!! I liked this chapter very much.

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