Im glad your happy

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*Pheonixs POV *

I was hang in out with niall and we were laughing and having a good time then rachel walked into my flat looking pissed. "What's wrong love" niall said. "Why the hell are you hanging out with her!!" she yelled. "I'm sorry phee I gotta go" niall said. "Fine don't hang out with me when Louis needed you to stay here cause what if my fucking dad comes back!!!!!" I yell while tears roll down my face. " What the hell is so bad about your real dad!!!!" he yelled at me. "Cause he raped me!!! that's why!!!!" I said. "Phee I'm sorry I didn't no"he said. "No I don't want your sympathy!!!!! just go fuck rachel some more" I screamed at him. Rachel just grabbed his hand and left. I got a text saying hey its rachel just go die in a whole no one would care u stupid bitch. I ran up stairs and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper. I wrote every one a letter saying Dear, every body by the time you read this I'll be an angel in heaven. Louis I no I promised not to try to commit ever again but I can't take it any more. Ash you are the best person in the world hope u and zayn go good. Liam ur nice and I hope that you'll keep them strong. Niall I'm sorry for yelling at you. Zayn don't break ashleys heart or I might just haunt u. Harry savannah really likes u I love your curls. Savannah I no we haven't talked 4 awhile but u r like the sister I've always wanted. Love, Phee

I then went to the bathroom and grabbed a razor and cut my wrists

I cried cause I'd miss them but they'd forget about me in a year or so. I wish I could just see my old crush shane one more time. I went and laid on my bed and had the note in my hand when I heard some one yelling my name it was jeydon I wrote him a separate note. it says


I'm glad ur my brother I wish I could stay on this earth but I just can't take it any more I love u bro tell momma I said I love u cause I can't say it any more. Love, Phee.

when I blacked out I saw jeydon run to my bed then it all went black.

What do u think will happen to her???

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