No named chapter

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*Laurens POV *

Wow that guy liam is so gullible and now nialls single time to put my plan into action pheonix was pathetic anyway I'm surprised that she dated him that long oh well mwahahaha.

*Pheonixs POV *

I just landed and ed was picking me up to "hang out" ash and lou probably told him to watch me so I don't do anything stupid. Not like I would cut I'm done with that stuff. ed said we should go to a park I said sure just let's get my stuffed moved out of nialls place. we got everything moved and I'm getting ready I'm wearing a I <3 pandas shirt and a pair of denim shorts with my ed sheeran vans. when I walked out he said " love the shoes". we walked to a park and I sat on a swing and swung the out of nowhere my swing stopped and I saw jack. he had an evil grin and I yelled for ed and he came running for me. he new about my past and he told him to leave or he'd call the cops. jack left and we went back to ashleys and zayns place. I got on twitter and saw a nemie picture my eyes teared  up and I cried. I went to go lay down and ed followed. I laid down and ed cuddled up to me. he whispered" is it ok if I lay with you for awhile?" yea sure" I said. he started to sing the a team.

white lips pale face breathing in the snow flakes.

I dozed off a little while after that line.

yea its 3am and I was bored so a crappy chapter is made and I have a Larry book go check it out if ya want to its called Give me love*a larry fanfic* if ya don't like Larry as a romance then don't read it so bye hope ya like!!!

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