Wedding planning

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*Pheonixs POV *

Me,ash,taegan,and savannah all went dress shopping for the wedding. I'm the maid of honor!!! I'm so happy. We get at the dress shop and there's tons of wedding dresses and dresses for brides maids. we look at all sorts of dresses and we all agreed on these green mermaid dresses and ashleys dress is beautiful it is strapless with diamonds on the top and it goes down to her feet she looks amazing. ring ring "oh sorry let me take this" I said. hello. I'm gonna get you for what you did. who is this? that's for me to no and you to find out. whatever then I hung up. "hey girls I'm gonna get going" otay" they all said at the same time

~~at home~~

"hey babe your home early" ya I got a call from some person saying there gonna get me" I say with tears in my eyes. niall comes up to me and hugs me and whispers" nobody will hurt you I promise you that"thanks". he kisses the top of my head "why don't we watch the TV "sure" we turn it on and it says does niall horan have a girlfriend? we saw niall with this girl on several different occasions it was a picture of me."ni did you tell them?" no babe only us and the boys no oh and the girls." how did they find out ni?" I don't no do you want them to no?" I don't care ni I already get hate for being this close to y'all so it wouldn't make a difference" ok babe we'll tell them tomorrow" mk ni will I have to do an interview with y'all?" maybe cause ash,savannah, and Taegan has so probably." oh" is that a problem?" no its just I'm kinda shy"ok well are you sure you want them to no?" yea niall its fine" we put in my favorite move ever after earth. he laughed at me when I was saying the lines of the different people right before they said it. I just smiled and thought can't it be like this forever and I drifted to sleep with my head on nialls chest.

OK a special thank you to my friend she helped me with the idea Ashley good she is awesome!!! so later people's.

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