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*Nialls POV *

" phee babe wake up were home" I shook her. "carry mee" she said with puppy dog eyes. "fine" I say and pick her up. She wraps her arms around my neck and mumbles an I love you. I laid her in our bed and got a call from zayn.

what's up zayn?

You are coming with me and ash to dinner with everyone else savannah and harry has a big announcement

OK what time

8 me and ash will pick y'all up bye


its only 4 so we have some time so I lay down with phee. Ring ring


hey niall its demi I forgive you let's hook up sometime yea?

uh no I'm with phee so no

what do you see in that fat ugly bitch?

don't talk about her shes perfect so shut up!!

whatever but remember I no will and Shane so I'd be careful I could just tell them were you live

no your a liar there in jail.

nope I bailed them out when you broke up with me

I hung up she's a liar. its 7 "phee wake up were going on a date" I say. "ugh OK but Im wearing jeans" she mumbles. "OK fine" I say. I grab my suit and fix my hair. when I see phee my jaw drops she's in black skinny jeans and a blue silky shirt and he hair is curled. she goes to put on makeup but I take it and hold it above my head. "give it back I need it" she says. "no you don't babe your perfect" I say. "really?" she asked "that's not what everyone else says" she mumbles. "look at me I love you and I don't care what others think and neither should you OK phee" I say. "ok" she said. zayn and ash are here so we leave they seem to happy.

*at the dinner*

"why are we here?" phee asked. "because we have important news" harry said. "what is it!!!" ash asked. "were getting married" savannah said. I just about choked "what Harry is getting married?" I ask. "yea I am" he says with a grin. "I thought you were never gonna get married" liam said. "I changed my mind" harry says. "awww so cute" phee cooed. "and I have to tell everyone something ". Ashley said . "what is it" phee asked. "I'm pregnant" Ashley squealed. "congratulations" phee said with a look that said I need to talk to you ash. "equease me I need to talk to ash real quick" phee said. and got up.

Ohhh what does phee have to tell ash???? only I no so hahahahahahah u have to wait. welp bye bye bye!!!!

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