I cant think of a name for this chapter

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*Pheonixs POV *

I was making a little breakfast for me and ni cause we leave at 9 and its 7 so I am up and getting ready. "ni breakfast is ready!!" I yell. he just mumbled something. I walked in the bedroom and shook him."ni get up foods done" I say. he just looked at me and said "five more minutes". "no get up". he gets up and sees I have Nutella and toast.

*Nialls POV*

When phee woke me up something seemed wrong cause she was quite. "what's wrong phee?" I asked her. "nothing ni I'm fine" she says but I no its a lie but I drop it. we get dressed and go to the airport the fans found out about what airport we were going to be at so we had to be moved to the plain immediately. phee had to talk to Ashley so the went to the bathroom.

*Pheonixs POV *

" ash can I talk to you?"I asked her. "sure phee"she said. we walked to the bathroom and when the door was closed I whispered" ash I think I'm pregnant" what that's amazing does niall no he's gonna be a dad?"she asked. "ash there's a chance it won't be his cause I got raped a lot by my dad,jack, and shane." I said with tears in my eyes. "you have to tell him but there is a chance its his right?" she asked. "yea there is so maybe he is I'll take a test and if it comes up positive I'll tell him"I say.

OK so what do you think about her maybe being pregnant and yea is it nialls????? only I no yea bye bye bye I'm off to school though :'(

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