Maybe later

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*Pheonixs POV *

I can't believe it but he cheated on me. "ni I like you I think I even love you but you cheated on me and I don't think I can forgive you I've been cheated on before and I was stupid enough to forgive him so maybe later when you have my trust I'm really sorry."I said in tears. Demi just laughed at me and said "really you are trying hard to get your ugly and worthless no one will ever love you." right when the words left her mouth ash leaped on her and started hitting her and wouldn't stop she got pulled off by zayn she said"you better keep your fucking mouth shut if you no what's good for you." niall looked shocked then demi did something that ticked me off she punched Louis in the face. right when she did that I was on top of her and was hitting her screaming don't you fucking hit him he's my best friend bitch. I was being pulled off of her by liam I told him to let me go caused she was taunting me when she said you are worthless and I'm glad you got raped by your dad it shows that you are worthless all I saw was red I elbowed liam and jumped on her again  and was hitting her and that's all I did cause I wasn't gonna stop until I got dragged off by zayn,Louis,liam,harry, and ed. niall looked stunned I then realized how she found out I looked at niall and guilt was on his face"you ass whole " I spat you fucking told her just then savannah slapped niall across the face and said if you really did care for her you would've kept your dam mouth shut and with that demi left and niall tried to talk to me but Louis said stay the hell away from her.

*Demis POV *

What the hell he had a girlfriend he didn't seem to mind when we were making out five minutes ago. whatever he likes me and he will be mine.

Sorry for every one who likes Demi levoto I like her music but she's the only girl I could think of sooo what do ya think nialls gonna do to get her back our will he just give up????? :)

My best friend Louis*a 1D fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now