Big news

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*Pheonixs POV *

Ash and zayn are on there honeymoon. Jeydon might get to come home soon. "Ni I'm going and take a nap" OK love I just need to get some stuff I'll be back soon if ya need anything just call"can you pick me up some fruit mintoes"of course babe" I just smiled when he called me that.

*Nialls POV *

Now that's pheonix is asleep I can go get jeydon its gonna be a surprise for her and of course she asks for her favorite thing in the world mintoes. I drive to the hospital and pick up jeydon he looks better than he did. we went to the 7-11 and picked up her snack. when we got home I heard pheonix crying we ran upstairs and she was on Twitter. "what's wrong phee?" look" is all she said. I looked and saw that some directioners are saying that she is cheating on me or that she's using me for the fame. I looked at her and she looked so weak and helpless I hug her and whisper"I no the truth and I no you'd never do that". jeydon coughed and pheonix looked up and a smile spread across her face. "jeydon"she said and hugged him. "your okay" she said. after awhile jeydon left to go hang out with hunter were cool now. "what ya wanna do" I ask. "let's watch a movie" what movie?" I ask. "who framed roger rabbit!!!" she practically yelled. 'ok ok I new you would say that" how did you no?" its your favorite movie in the whole wide world" she just nodded and smiled. I put the movie in and sat down phee came in with a blanket and popcorn. she put the popcorn on the floor and cuddled up next to me and covered up. she fell asleep I could tell she hasn't been sleeping well. how am I gonna tell her I'm going on tour for about four months. maybe they'd let her come with is cause I'm pretty sure Ashley's coming with zayn and Taegan with Louis and poofy with harry. so its fair that phee can come with me. I hope so cause I don't think I could take it if they came back and took her again. I'll call them later and ask. I pick up phee and took her to my bed and covered her up I grabbed my phone and called management and they said she could come with us I can't wait to tell her.

Yay I had an idea!!!! soooo yea mintoes are the best thing in the world :) so later people's

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