Concert time

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*Niall's POV *

Phee was still asleep curled up in a ball snuggled up in the blanket. I just laid there playing with her hair she seemed so peaceful. It was almost time for our first concert its in two days I think I'll ask her on a date then.

Two days later at the concert

*Pheonixs POV *

Louis and Harry begged me to come to the concert I finally said yes after three hours of please after please after please. Me,ash,and poofy were all back stage waiting for the concert to start when I heard the music of Diana come on all of us started to sing along quietly. When that song ended it went to story of my life then the best song ever then niall said he had an announcement to make. would pheonix gissing please come to the stage. I slowly got up and walked out there. Niall said phee I'm sorry for all the things I said and what I did to hurt you but will you go on a date with me. I blushed cause there were tons of people there but I nodded my head yes. then I heard some yells like yay go niall she's so pretty then others like ewww why did u ask her I'm way more pretty than her. when niall heard that he said phee is beautiful and thanks for all the nice words to her but don't hate her she's the sweetest most nicest girl I've ever met.

Sooooo what do ya think?????

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