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*Ashley's POV *

To nights the night I go on my date with zayn. I had a blue sparkly dress that stopped a little below my knee. I was waiting for zayn to pick me up.

*Zayns POV *

I was running late I hurried out the door to my car. By the time I got to Ashleys house it was 8:11 so I wasn't that late when I knocked on the door Ashley answered it she looked beautiful. She asked me where we were going but I told her it was a surprise.

*Ashley's POV *

We were driving for 10 mins so I turned up the radio and The best song ever came on I started jumping up and down in my seat and zayn saw me and just laughed. when it came to his part he started to sing and I started to quietly sing along. We pulled up a red lobsters and got out and went in and started to order.

* Pheonixs POV*

Me and hunter were in my room watch in some tv. I decided to change in to my pjs so I walked in my closet and found my turtle shirt and matching pj pants. I heard the doorbell ring so I went and answered it and I saw my dad and he had an evil smirk and I ran up stairs and hunter grabbed my wrist and dragged me down stairs to my dad I yelled for help but hunter kicked my in the gut and I started to cry. Just then jeydon walked in and saw my dad and hunter he told my dad to get the fuck out so he left. Jeydon saw me on the floor and asked me what happened all I could say was hunter helped and jeydon ran up to him and screamed for him to get out and never come near me again. He helped me up and I said thank you and then ash came through the door being to happy.

*Ashley's POV *

Omg zayn asked me to be his girlfriend I said yes and he kissed me on the lips then it started to rain moment ruined thanks rain. When I got home phee looked rough I asked her what happened she said hunter hurt me she said not to worry jeydon took care of it.

My best friend Louis*a 1D fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now