Truth or dare

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*Pheonixs POV*

Louis said we should play truth or dare so we are. "truth or dare poofy"I asked. "dare"she said with confidence. "hmmmm I dare you to let Louis do your makeup while blind folded" I say with a smirk. "what no no no I take it back!" she begs."nope no take backs poofy sorry"I say. I run up stairs and grab a blind fold and my makeup. I give it to Louis and put his blindfold on. when he was done she looked like a monster. we all laughed at her. "your turn poofy"I say. "ok phee truth or dare?" she asked even though they all no I'd choose dare. "dare" I say. "I dare you to skinny dip in the pool right now"sh said."ok get me a towel though cause its freezing outside" I say. they get a towel and we all walk outside. every one turns around so I can take off my close I wrap my towel around my body "ok y'all can turn around" I say. when they turn around niall looks me up and down. I roll my eyes and go to the diving bored I dropped my towel and jumped in I stayed under for about two minutes. then I came up and swam around a little bit. when niall came over to help me out I pulled him in he laughed and grabbed my waist and pulled me under about five seconds later we resurfaced cause he cant hold his breath that long. I laughed and asked for my towel but they said no and ran inside. "asshole" I yelled at them. me and niall swam for a little while then I started to get cold so niall got my towel and when we walked in I went straight upstairs and grabbed a pair of my boxers cause I sleep in them and put on a tank top and niall put on batman pajama pants and a batman t-shirt. we went downstairs and everyone was staring at us. I walked in the kitchen and grabbed whip cream and hollered for niall. he came in and grabbed some fudge syrup that you put on ice cream and we went out I yelled "attack" and me and niall ran and got everyone and they said it was Louis idea and Louis ran I jumped on his back and got him. we all laughed at him. then they went home to get some sleep since we were leaving tomorrow. me and niall cuddled up and put in grease I started getting sleepy so I went to bed about ten minutes later I felt niall wrap his arms around my waist and I fell asleep.

OK so I had a sick day on Monday and stayed home today cause I was lazy but I have to go tomorrow and face my crush cause my friend *cough taegan cough* told him how I like him but I still love Taegan cause she is weird so

byee byeee byeeee


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