Time flys

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*Ashley's POV *

Its been a year since phee went missing Shane said he don't no what happened to her. but I think he's lying. me and zayn have held off the wedding until we find phee. Niall had been taking it the worst he hardly ever leaves his room and when he does its to get beer. I think he really does love her Louis has been fine he's still his self even liam doesn't smile much but Louis is so so happy. Savannah and harry are dating they are so cute but no one seems happy anymore I miss phee a lot I will find her.

*Pheonixs POV *

Its been one year and every day they rape me and make hunter watch I cry every day and just lay there hunter comforts me as best as he can we've lost a lot of weight I give hunter my food cause he is so skinny he looks weird I eat a little bit and shower I take care of hunter cause they hit him if he tried to help me. I miss jeydon he would no what to do. I miss ash,Louis,harry,savannah,liam,zayn, and even niall. I need to get out of here I then realized I could steal one of there phones I told hunter my plan he agreed to help.

*Nialls POV *

I miss her I can barely walk anymore cause I stay drunk so I don't feel the pain. I heard laughter I walked down and seen Louis he looked perfectly fine. I felt anger rise. "Do you not even care about her!!! she's your best friend!!! you haven't even looked for her!!" I yelled at him. he looked shocked"I miss her ok but I don't sulk around like its the end of the world!!! I haven't looked for her cause I don't no were she's at I keep a smile for the fans!!!" he screamed at me "and maybe I don't care!!!" that's when I lost it I felt my fist collide with his jaw. he hit me back it was like that for about two minutes then I got pulled off of him by zayn. I started to cry I need her I really do l whispered loud enough for zayn to hear.

yea its been one year so ya I didn't feel like writing about a whole year so this is what happened Savannah and harry are together and that's about it.

My best friend Louis*a 1D fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now