Wedding planning for poofy

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*Pheonixs POV*

"Get your lazy but up phee!!!" taegan yelled. "no let me sleep" I say. "omg is that maroon 5!!" taegan yelled. "where" I say and sat straight up. I'm a huge fan of maroon 5. " I don't no" taegan shrugged. "Bitch I love maroon 5 and you no that" I say. niall ran in and laid on me. "who do you love??" he asked. "you" I laugh cause he was tickling me. "who??" he asked. " I love niall James horan!!" I yell. " that's what I thought" he said. I giggled and smiled. I got up and put on black skinny jeans and a neon pink shirt with black ballerina flats. we've been walking and looking for hours but poofy just can't seem to find the one dress we head home for today and I'm dead tired. "phee" niall whined."what" I groaned. "I'm bored" he said. " but I'm sleepy" I whined. "let's take a nap" he said. " ok" I said.

sorry if it's bad but I'm stuck with what to write so yea bye bye bye!!

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