Poofys wedding

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*Savanna POV*

Today's the day my dream comes true never would I of thought that I'd be marrying the harry styles. my dress is strapless and it is tight up around my boobs and gets poofy as it goes down. the bridesmaid dresses are a shiny silver and ties in the back and has diamonds on it but it's nothing compared to my dress. we're all ready and the wedding just started I'm waiting for my dad who is late. when he finally gets here he walks me down the aisle. we said are vows and left we didn't have a party thing or whatever it's just a simple wedding.

sorry it sucks and took so long to update but I've been busy and I might have a concussion :( so that sucks but ill tell y'all if I have one cause I have no one to talk to not even my mom cause she work's well thanks for reading my jiberis bye bye bye!!!!!

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