Ashleys baby

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*Ashleys POV*

I was laying down because my back was killing me and the little one is kicking. Zayn came in and laid down with me and started rubbing my stomach and kissed it. " I love you ash" he said. "I love you too" I mumble. I felt something wet between my legs. "zayn I think my water just broke" I say. "what!" he said. "my water broke" I say again. he gets up and helps me up I grab the bag I'm using and we go to the car. the contractions start and they are painful. " hurry zayn" I say.  we arrive at the hospital minutes later. I'm wheeled in and put in a room. zayn is right beside me and holding my hand. "alright one more push" the doctor says. I hear a cry and I'm relieved. "is it a boy or a girl" zayn asked." it's a

hehehe a cliff hanger. yay the zashley baby is born. is it a boy or girl only I no Mwahahahah. well bye bye bye!!!!

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