Getting her back

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*Nialls POV *

The guys hate me since what I did to phee  I feel so bad about it and I need her. I no it might be cheesy but I do and I think she needs me to cause when we were dating she never took those pills I don't no what they are for cause I never asked. The only person who talks to me is liam because he is trying to help me cause liam no's how much I love her.

*Pheonixs POV *

I haven't really talked to anybody since my birthday party I've been taking my antidepressants a lot lately and I only leave my room to get food. I miss niall a lot I wish he would try to talk to me I miss the sound of his voice and his laugh god I need a drink I tell ash I'm going out to a club she said ok I'll pick you up at 12. kk ash" I say.

at the club

*Pheonixs POV *

I've been here 10 minutes and I've had ten drinks. I'm stumbling over my feet and I fell into some guy I looked up at him and seen very pretty blue eyes. he looked at me in the eyes and said "Pheonix Gissing is that you?" he asked. "yea who are you?" its me Shane." I teared up and hugged him and said" I've missed you shane." me to babe me to." OK long story short Shane was my boyfriend before I left for England ye said he'd find me and he did I'm so happy. I asked him if he wanted to go to my place to catch up he said yea of course. I called ash and asked her to pick me up now.

At the house

Me and shane are in my room talking about life. He then asked me to be his girlfriend again I started to cry and he asked what's wrong I told him about hunter and niall he hugged me and said babe I'll never ever do that. I smiled and said yes I'll be your girlfriend.

Sooooo this is a chapter that I like cause maybe she'll get over niall!!! but me and my friend are arguing cuz my crush got pushed into me in the hallway and she says he likes me.

My best friend Louis*a 1D fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now