Home again

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*Pheonixs POV *

I'm so glad to be back I hugged everyone. But Louis seemed distant like something was wrong. what's wrong lou? nothing OK!! Louis snapped. god I've been back for am hour and I wanna leave!!" I yell. Louis looked hurt at my words and he said phee sorry I'm so so so sorry. whatever where's liam. upstairs" thanks louis".  I walk up stairs and find liam in his room watching toy story. "hey li" I say. he looked shocked and ran and hugged me. I've missed you phee have you talked to niall he's been the worst" what about Lou?" no he's been hanging out with Taegan." who's taegan?" oh she's lous new girlfriend." oh ok at least he's happy did he even worry about me?" no he was to busy with T."oh okay" I tried not to sound so hurt. I excused my self so I could talk to niall. I knocked on nialls door."hey ni can I come in?" sure its not like I miss phee or anything cause apparently I'm just like Louis." he says. "Ni its me phee look at me"I say. his eyes travel up to my face and his eyes are swollen and blood shot I could tell he's been drinking a lot since I went missing. "phee is that really you?" yea ni it is" he gets up and ran to me and hugged me and then he kissed me"phee please give me one more chance." yea ni you have one more chance." he smiled widely and grabbed my hand and asked if he heard about savannah and harry yet."no I haven't what's up with them?" there dating"omg omg there together!" yea" I just laughed niall seen how skinny I was."I'm gonna get you something to eat ok phee."so we walked down stairs hand in hand and everyone was staring at us I then realized that I haven't seen jeydon. "guys where's jeydon?" every one looked sad and then liam spoke up" phee jeydon is in the hospital." why" I asked my voice barely audible. "he got pneumonia and he's still in there." I have to go see him" I tell niall. "well come on then I'll pick you up some food on the way there." I heard the door open and I saw a girl I've never seen before I hid behind niall cause I have trust issues now and I'm scared around lots of people. she had black hair with blue highlights. "who is she?" I ask niall very quietly." that's Louis girlfriend." that's cool can we leave now?" I ask. " yea sure phee." as we were walking out I heard someone say my name but i ignored it.

Sooo do y'all think that she should have given niall another chance??? so I might not be able to update next week soooo I'll try cause I might get in a fight with a girl who punched my friends and slammed my best friends head into a wall so yea.

My best friend Louis*a 1D fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now