Seeing jeydon

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*Pheonixs POV *

me and niall have been driving for about ten minutes. I turn up the radio and grenade by Bruno Mars came on. I started to quietly sing along cause I've never liked my voice. when it was in the middle of the song we were at the hospital. I jumped out when he stopped and he locked his cars and got out and led me to jeydons room. when I walked in jeydon was pale and asleep." pssttt jeydon wake up its me phee."pheonixs is it really you?" yea it is Shane was working with my dad and kept me in the basement with hunter." I'm gonna kill him!!!!" no no no no I don't want you in jail." he smiled up at me and we hugged for what felt like an hour." visiting hours are over you need to leave" a nurse said. so we left.

~~~at home~~

I was watching the conjuring with niall he knows I hate scary movies. I was cuddled up against niall and had a blanket over my nose niall just laughed at me. I heard footsteps and it was Louis and that Taegan girl." hi I'm pheonix" I say." hi I'm Taegan Louis girlfriend" she says." hi Louis" I say with venom in my voice."phee I'm really really sorry please forgive me phee you are my best friend I need you" he says. "yea Lou I forgive you" I say and hug him. Taegan coughed and we stopped hugging and I walked over to niall and cuddled up to him again. "can we watch?" sure Taegan y'all can watch" I say with a smile.

well I no this chapter is bad. merrrr I've had to watch my cousin and she's 11 and a brat but I got 10$$ out of it. :)

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