no named

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OK so this skipped to were the guys are back

*Pheonixs POV *

Its been three months since me and niall broke up I've been pretty much the same wearing pj's all day unless I have work I work at Starbucks. It sucks ed has been over every day. Today the guys come back I've cleaned the house and got groceries I'm working on saving up money to get me a house but its not going very well. Me and ed are waiting for the girls and guys I can't wait to see ashley. I see poofys hair its all poofy as usual. I yell "Poofy!!!" she looks and we hug and I give everybody a hug except niall that would be weird. Ed just kinda glares at niall. we all decide to go home so I drive ash and zayn home. They go straight to bed and me and ed kinda chill as usual. When ash and zayn wake up they invite everyone over including niall and demie. I decide to take a shower I get my cherry blossom shampoo and conditioner and my fuzzy sheep pj pants with a black t-shirt. I shower and when I get out and dried off and in close everyone is here I turn around to go back in my room but Louis picks me up and drops me on the floor. "ow"I mumble. "awww is the poor little baby hurt" demi asked with an eye roll. I got up and left to my room I got a text from niall: Phee I no ur mad at me but meet me at the pool please I need to talk k

to you.

me: yea sure I was gonna swim any way to escape the bitch.

I changed into my neon orange bathing suit. I grabbed my black towel and yelled" I'm going to the pool be back later" which one the indoor or outdoor?" ash asked. "indoor duh I don't wanna freeze" I said. I walked out into the hall and ash asked if I could show niall to the weight room. I said yea and walked away when I showed niall were the room was but he pulled me in with him. "phee I'm so so so so sorry please forgive me" he asked. "yea ok you are forgiven" I said. Then he did something I thought he'd never do again he kissed me on the lips.

*Ashley's POV *

"ugh I wish niall would hurry up" demi whined. "shut the hell up I have a head ache" liam snapped. "let's all go swim with phee!!!" Louis said. "yea" we all said at the same time. we walked and Louis said he'd get niall. so we walked to the pool and waited we didn't see phee maybe she went to talk to niall.

*Louis POV*

I was going to get niall I found the door and when I opened it I saw niall and phee kissing. "hey hey hey I don't want any mini phee or nialls running around" I say. they stopped and looked at me in shock "um uh don't tell anyone Lou" niall begs. "don't worry ya your secret is safe with me" I say.

Sorry it took so long to update I was busy but yea phee and niall yep yep yep well bye bye bye I didn't have any school thank the lord!!!!!

My best friend Louis*a 1D fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now