The wedding

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*Ashley's POV *

The one thing I thought I'd never do its happing I'm marrying Zayn malik. phee is helping me get ready to walk down the aisle I can't believe it."Phee I've never thought I'd marry zayn from one direction I'm glad you are my friend"I say. " me either" she says. "its time" she says. she grabs her little flower thing and niall is waiting on her when she gets there he wraps his arm around her waist and walk out. I see my dad waiting for me I walk over and hug him. my dad is walking me to the doors when they open I see zayn in his tux when he sees me he just smiles even more. when I get up there he grabs my hand and smiles we say our vows and he puts the ring on my finger and I put his on him. We walk down hand in hand and when we get outside I see a limo and phee with a smile stuck on her face and tears in her eyes. when we get to the wedding party phee hugs me and whispers "well hi Mrs.malik" I just smile like an idiot. she hugs zayn and whispers something in his ear his face goes a little pale but right back up and if I no phee and I do she probably said be safe with a wink at the end. I hear someone say let's have a toast to zayn and ash. I hear phee start her speech hi I'm pheonix I've been friends with ash for a long time and I'm glad to see her happy with her idol cause she's a directioner for life. I can't put how much I need ash into words she's been there for me and zayn keep your hands to your self. so yea bye

ahhh phee you little nerd. the rest of the night went by pretty fast

sorry if its bad but I did my best

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