A kitten

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*Nialls POV *

I was walking around my old town. I was looking for something to give phee to show how much I love her. I'm not getting her a ring yet. I was thinking like a necklace or something like that. I saw a pet shop and I thought that phee loves animals. I looked and found the cat/ kitten area. I saw a black kitten with sky blue eyes. She would love him. "how much for this cat?" I asked"thirty" the cashier replied"OK I'll take him"I said. I put him in my hoodie cause it started to snow I bought it a green colour and a white bed. when I walked in I heard phee laughing. "I'm back" I yell. "kitchen" my mom yelled. I pulled out the kitted and walked in."awwww he's so cute" phee squeals. "well he's yours" I say handing it to her. "thank you ni" she says while rubbing the kitten. "what's his name?" phee asked. "it doesn't have a name yet" I said. "can it be named midnight??" she asked. "yea does this have to do with midnight memories??" I asked. "nope wow its eyes are so pretty" she said. "we have to leave on Saturday" I say with a frown. "why?" she asked. "management needs to see me" I say. "oh" she said quietly. "hey I've done lost you once I'm not losing you again" I say to her. "really?" she asked. "yea really I love you phee" I say. she blushed and started to play with midnight.

Awwww phee has a kitten!!!! and what is management gonna say about niall being back with phee???? welp its a Saturday and I woke up a 2:30 pm that's soooo early for me :p and its snowing!!!!! yayayatayayayayayayyayayayatataytaata I'm so happy bye bye bye!!!!

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