The end

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*Pheonixs POV*

Today is my wedding day I'm so happy.  Ashley is helping me get ready and jeydon is gonna walk me down the aisle. but before I got to jeydon I felt something hit my head and I was out cold. I woke up and saw everyone tied down and Shane and Jack and my dad were putting gas on everyone the smirked at me and put a lot on me I was in between niall and jeydon they had Ashley baby in there hands. "what are you gonna do" I ask. "we're gonna kill all of you and take the baby here and raised it to be ours so say goodbye" Shane said as he dropped the match on niall mom. "no!!" niall screamed. the flames were spreading I look at niall and say "I'm so sorry niall I love you I didn't mean for this to happen" and I start to cry as flames reach poofy and harry. they were kissing as a goodbye. "shhh I no phee but I wouldn't take back a single day" niall says. and kisses me as the flames consume us. I wake up and I'm in heaven. I look and see we all are I hold Nialls hand and kiss him. all of us smile at us Ashley and zayn are heartbroken that there baby is taken by them. but they smile at us and walk over. "i didn't mean for that to happen I'm sorry ash" I say. "it's ok everything happens for a reason phee" ash says and we walk into the gates of heaven to live our new lives I guess you can call it that. The end.

Ok sorry for the shit ending but that's all cause I'm working on a new book called broken please read it. it has 1D and 5sos in it. so please read it bye bye bye!!!!

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