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Two Weeks Later

I put all my metal objects into the plastic tin and walked through the metal detector. I signed my name on the clipboard.

"Here goes your badge Chris." Officer Franklin said.

Besides the club, I'm here often.

I walked through the double doors and headed to the meeting area. I sat down at an empty table and waited.

About 15 minutes later my dad came strolling in, like he was the man around this bitch. Giving everybody dap. This fool is a character. He saw me and lifted his arms up.

"Son! Wassup."

"Hey dad." We did our handshake then sat back down.

"So what's been up?" He asked.

"The same shit. Everybody begging, money flowing just right, ain't nothing changed."

"How the club holding up?"

"Better than before. It's stay packed all day. I think it's time to look for that second location."

"Most definitely."

"How you holding up?" I asked.

"Shit I'm good. Got a few people working for me."

"Just like home huh?"

"Just like it. What yo momma up to?"

"She begging just like everybody else. I think I give her the most money."

"She called me the other day saying you getting tight with money."

"At the rate I'm going Ima be broke! I'm not tryna let that happen."

"It won't so don't worry. I think it's time she got her own place anyway so I gave her my realtors number. The money is there she just gotta pick a spot."

"Well I need to help her. I need some space."

"Yeah I know you do, all the bitches you bring in and out of there."

I laughed. "I'm trying to stop all that."

"Nigga no you ain't. You love having these girls going crazy over you. By the time you decide to settle down ain't nobody gone want you."

"For real dad. I think it's time I got in a serious relationship."

"And don't go wife none of those hoes at the strip club."

"I'm not!"

"Do you got a girl in mind that you think you'd be able to settle down with."

"It's this one girl, Karrueche. We've been out twice. She's cool."

"She cool? That's it?"


"Well if only thing that comes to mind about her is she cool then that ain't the one."

"It's this one chick that I met recently, she seem like she gone be a piece of work but I can't get her out my head. I barely know her but it's just something about her."

"Now she sounds like the one. Especially if she got you feeling strange and you barely know her." 

"I think I might've ruined any chances we had though. I told her last week that I didn't believe in relationships."

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