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Three Days Later

I walked in Trent's shop after getting off work. I had a little surprise for him.

The new assistant that replaced me said that he was in office. I walked in without knocking and and girl was sitting on his desk and he stood close to her.

"That doesn't look like Sabrina." I said, breaking up their little love fest.

His head quickly turned to me. I was able to see the girls face.

"Tanaya?" I questioned

Tanaya Henry, Trent's little bad habit that he just can't seem to shake. She ruins every single one of his relationships and he allows her to and then she magically disappears. So I'm guessing somebody told her about my best friend.

"Hi Danielle." She said while getting off the desk. "Trent, I'll call you."

"You won't." I said before my brother could speak.

She laughed and walked out. I turned to him.

"Look before you start let me explain."

"Ain't no fucking explanation! You promised me! I know what Tanaya means to you."

"Dani don't worry. I'm not gone hurt Sabrina."

"Cut the bullshit Trent. That bitch comes in between every relationship that you're in! I didn't care before but now I do because you and everybody knows I'll kill a bitch for my fucking best friend ESPECIALLY since she's carrying my niece or nephew."

"She shouldn't have been here. My bad, but you can't tell Bri."

"I'm not."

"Thanks. What you doing here?" He asked.

"I have something for you." I handed him the envelope I had.

"I hope this all the money I gave you while you was in school." He said while opening it.

"Of course not."

He shook his head.

He pulled what was in there out.

"A plane ticket to Virginia. Why?"

"You said if I reached out to my mom, you'd reach out to yours."

"But you haven't reached out to yours."

"Actually I have." I unlocked my phone and pulled up a picture we took on my graduation. "See."

He took my phone

"Woooow, look at Leslie. You guys are twins."

"She told me everything. I cried so hard."

"She dope man. I was little but I remember everything about her. I'm happy for you sis." He said.

"So if I can forgive somebody that wasn't there for me at all. I'm sure you can forgive your mother."

"Uggghhhh." He rubbed his nappy ass hair. "You just don't never let me do shit on my own."

"If I did nothing would get done. Now you don't have a choice but to go cause you're not about waste my money."

"Where's your ticket? You said you and Chris was going."

"Everybody has there ticket. It's only for two days and then we'll all be in Maui."

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