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"Daaaaaad!" I yelled while walking into his house.

He walked through the patio doors with a pan in his hand.

"Hey princess." I walked up to him and hugged him then grabbed the pan.

"This smells sooooo good!" I said

Thankfully my dad can cook and he cooks like a fucking gourmet chef.

We went into the kitchen. I sat on a stool at the counter.

"So how was it working at Trent's shop yesterday?" He asked.

"The same, his new shop is super busy just like the other one. He said he might make my position permanent until I graduate which is cool."

"Thats wassup. By the way I need you to do me a favor."

"What's that?"

"Trent's mom wants him to come visit and meet his brother."


"When I told him he flipped out and I understand why but at the end of the day, she's his mother."

"Well you know how I feel about mothers so I don't think I should be the person that talks to him."

"I know how close y'all are and he won't listen to me."

"He won't listen to me either but I'll try."

I heard my dads front door open.

"Speaking of him." I said.

Trenton came into the kitchen.

"Wassup ugly." He said while hugging me.

"Hey Tre."

He went over to my dad and they did their handshake then he sat down.

"Y'all are so whack." I rolled my eyes.

"You hate every single time." Trent said.

"Whatever. Anyway I heard your mom wants you to come visit her in Virginia."

He looked at me then at my dad.

"I don't wanna talk about that." He said.

"Why not? She wants to see you." I said.

"She don't! She wants me to meet my fucking brother. I ain't going to meet that nigga! She couldn't raise me because she didn't think she could raise a son but turned around and had another son and kept him! Nah man. Fuck her and him."

"HEY! I get that you mad but you ain't about to disrespect her." My dad said.

"He deserves to be mad. How do you expect him to be okay with this?" I asked.

"Forget it, you don't have to go see her." My dad said while throwing his hands up.

"I was never gonna go anyway." Trent responded.

"Alright Tre, chill." I said.

"I'm about to go chill on the patio." He got up and walked to the back.

"Thanks a lot." My dad said to me.

"I told you he wouldn't listen to me."

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