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Two Days Later.

"You have reached the voicemail box of 323-72." I hung up my phone and tossed in the seat next to me. I've been out for hours looking for Chris. He left the house while I was still sleep and now nobody could find him. I just pray to god he isn't doing anything crazy that put him in jail or in a body bag.

I picked up my phone as it rang. It was his mom.

I hit the green button and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey, any luck?"

"No." I rubbed my stomach as the tears filled my eyes. "I'm so scared right now."

"Nobody at the club knows where he is?"

"No. Michael is looking for him too. I feel like I'm about to have a panic attack."

"Just come to my house Danielle, we'll try to figure this out."


"I'll see you when you get here."

"K, bye."


I hung up and started my car and headed to her place which was Chris's old house. I pulled up and rushed in.

"Mama Joyce." I yelled.

"In the kitchen honey."

I went where she was. When she saw me she just reached out for a hug. I cried on her shoulder.

"Why is all of this happening?" I asked.

"I don't know! I have to find my baby or I'm going to lose my damn mind."

"We're going to find him." I pulled away. "If I have to be out all damn day looking for him I will."

"So how was Chris acting before he left?"

"He left while I was sleep but when he was up he was just out of it. He would go into one of the guest rooms and sit in the dark. He wouldn't talk to me." The tears fell again. "He was just out of it. I just want to find him! I need him, the baby needs him."

"Wait, what?"

Chris's mom doesn't know I'm pregnant. I'm so tiny it's easy to hide and plus today I have on one of Chris's hoodies. My dad doesn't even know. I don't know what we're waiting for.

She's the one who made me realize that I was pregnant.

"I'm pregnant."

"Oh my gosh Danielle, let me see."

I stood up and rolled up his hoody showing my small bump.

"You're so tiny!" She cried while rubbing my stomach. "My grand baby is in there. Hey honey it's nana. How far along are you?"

"19 weeks today."

"So you know the sex?"

"Yes, it's a boy."

"Oh my...another knuckle head Chris running around here."

"Tell me about it."

"Okay so what places have you checked?"

"The club, this warehouse he's usually at, the mall, Michaels house, shit even this girl he used to talk to. I've called every hospital close by nobody has him, the police stations, I called the prison, I called Cliffs lawyer, nobody knows where he is. He drove his car and if I could just get somebody to track it but the only people that could do that is the police and I don't want to get them involved."

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