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I pulled up to Dani's job with her lunch. She love the hot wings and fries from my club. It seems like that's when she bugs me the most, when she hungry. She started her new job at a doctors office and she had one week left in school. I was putting together a nice little surprise for her.

We're still just friends but I'm ready to start getting things rolling.

I'm really feeling her. I'm feeling her so much I haven't even pressured sex. I just enjoy having her around me, I don't even need it.

I must be getting sick.

There was a knock on my car window. I unlocked the door and she climbed in. When she saw the food she started dancing.

"You so fucking greedy girl." I said while slapping her thigh. "You look cute in this uniform."

"Thank you zaddy."

"Your welcome."

She opened her food and started eating. When she eating all she focus on is her food. I opened up snapchat and put the camera on her.

"Look at my chubbs. This all she do is fucking eat!"

"Don't record me punk!" She covered her face.

The video cut off and I posted it.

"You get my nerves." She said.

"You love me." I got some of her fries. "What we doing tonight?"

"I don't know. I don't wanna be home though. Sabrina throws up all day and all her and my brother do is argue. I need a break."

"You gone leave yo best friend hanging?"

"I just need a break."

"You can come to my crib."

"You might try something, I don't know."

"I could try something right now, we ain't gotta be at my crib." I said while pinching her chin

"You gotta take me on a date first then I might let you slide up in this."

"Alright cool, let's go on a date tonight."

"No nigga. I'll come to your house though."

"Alright, you want me to pick you up?" I asked.

"Yeah, I gotta get out these scrubs and take a shower before I go anywhere."


"Well I gotta head back in. Thanks for the lunch bouncy butt." She kissed my cheek

"Don't call me that shit bro!"

"Alright sis." She opened the door. "Send me some naked pictures to get me through the day."

"Get out my car...crazy ass."

She laughed.

"Bye Chris." She said

"Bye Danielle." She got out and headed back in.

I pulled off and headed to my crib. I gotta clean up and kick my mom out for the night. I ain't think she was gone agree to coming over!

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