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"Alright when we get in here just stay behind me. We just got do a quick switch and then we outta here." August said.

"Alright let's go."

We both put on our hoodies, got out the car and grabbed the two duffle bags in the back.

I haven't had to do shit like this since my dad been locked up but right now I don't care.

We got up to a door at a warehouse and August knocked. A big black dude opened the door. He stepped back and let us in. He shut the door and grabbed our shoulders.

"Bags." He said.

August looked at me.

"Naw I need to see the money first." I said.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asked.

I took my hoody off.

"C? When you get in town?"

We shook hands.

"I've been here for a couple days. Boss man here?" I asked.

"Yeah follow me."

We walked further into the warehouse. There was a couple niggas sitting around the table.

"G, you got a visitor." The bodyguard said.

He looked up at me.

"Chris wassup fool!" He stood up and we did our handshake. "What you doing in VA nigga?"

"Had to take vacation but now I got an issue."

"Let's go talk in my office. Y'all can put those bags down and nothing gone happen."

I didn't give a fuck if it did. That wasn't my shit.

I tossed the bag and followed him upstairs to his office. We walked in and he shut the door.

Me and G go way back. He used to work for my dad in LA but pops needed to run things back home and this is who he chose.

"Have a seat

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"Have a seat."

I sat down.

"What's the issue?" He asked.

"I had to leave LA for a minute because I done got caught up in some murder shit. And not only did I get caught up my girl did too."

"Damn C! You should know better than that!"

"I know. Whoever behind this shit got my girl."

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