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Dani laid on my lap while I reached down in the pool/tub that had her in and rubbed her back. Her groans filled the room. She was 7 centimeters dilated now. 3 more and it'll be time to push.

"Aggghhh!" She yelled as another contraction hit her.

"Just breathe baby, take a deep breathe."

I got a cold rag and sat in on her forehead.

Her mom, my mom and her sister were in the room with us.

I expected her to be losing her mind but she's been so calm.

"It's almost over baby." I said.

"This has been the longest 4 hours ever!"

"It'll all be worth it in the end. I can't to see his little face."

"I can't wait either."

"You still wanna have another baby after feeling this pain?"
I asked.

"I really do. I want a girl but I'm not going to force you to have another baby."

"You might've changed my mind. This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

She smiled.

"The stuff women go through. I will never understand why we take y'all for granted."

"Well then hopefully I ain't gotta put up with your hard headedness no more."

"Yeah don't hold your breath."

She hit my chest.

"I love you baby." I kissed her cheek.

"I love you too Chris."


Sweet and calm Dani has left the damn building. This girl been cussing out everybody cause she in so much pain. It's been almost an hour and she's still at 7 centimeters.

I think she done changed her mind about that little girl.

"These contractions are killing meeeeeee uuuuuuhhhhhh!"

"Come on baby, let's lay you back." I grabbed a pillow for her head. She scooted over and laid back. I sat on the edge of the tub and positioned myself behind her and rubbed her stomach.

"I'm trying so hard to be tuff and act like I take this pain right now but honestly I really wanna cry. Ooooooohhhh my god!"

"It's almost over Danielle." I said.

"I could be stuck at 7 centimeters for hours. He gotta come out." She cried. "Tell me what I gotta do to open up more! If I gotta walk I will just get this boy out of me!"

"Danielle just relax." Her mom said coming over to us.

"I'm gonna go grab a nurse." Ashley said.

"I wanna push." Dani said.

"Just hold on baby. Maybe the nurse will let you push him down a little more after she checks you."

"Oh my goooooood! She's taking too long. This shit hurts."

It's scary how she just went from being calm to being crazy.

I grabbed a rag and put it over her forehead again.

"Chris I'm really starting hate you." She said.


"I'm here because of you! I need you to feel my pain."

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