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Two Months Later.

I was out with my dad helping grocery shop for this big bbq that he was having for his birthday tomorrow. I usually love his bbq's but not this time because of me and my brother hating each other.

I don't know if I should even still be mad at him because Chris just ended up proving that he was everything that Trent tried to protect me from.

Trent just went overboard with it.

I don't know what's up with him but he really acted like a lunatic.

"Do you think I should get more ketchup and mustard?" My dad asked, making me focus again.

"Oh, um if you feel like you need it."

"You just kept drifting into space."

"Sorry dad, I just have a lot on my mind."

"So do you and Trent ever plan on apologizing to each other?"

"I don't think so."

"I think it's time. You both really acted like y'all ain't got no home training and should be happy y'all not in jail."

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll yo eyes." He said.

"All this would've been avoided if Trent wouldn't have acted like he belonged in a psych ward. I get that he wanted to protect me and I really do appreciate that but he just went about it the wrong way. I was wrong for retaliating."

"He's very overprotective of you, I was the same way with my sisters. I've pulled guns out on a few niggas. But you and Trent were inseparable and it's hurting me to see you guys like this."

"I'll talk to him. But if I find out that he's still with that girl I'll never forgive him."

"I'm not sure if they are. They shouldn't be."

"We'll see."

We walked up to the check out line.

"Shit, I forgot the BBQ sauce." My dad said.

"I'll go get it."

I jogged over to the condiments aisle. I looked up to get the BBQ sauce my dad uses. It was almost gone and they only had a few in the back and my short ass couldn't reach. I just kept jumping and jumping and trying but it was pointless.

"I got it." A voice said

They reached up and grabbed the bottle. I knew who it was by his voice.

Was he stalking me?

I grabbed the bottle.

"Thanks." I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm. I snatched away.

"Danielle, please just 5 seconds."

"What do you want Chris?"

"How are you?"

"I'm fine."

"That's good. You looking amazing."

"I have to go."

I tried to walk away again but this time he pulled me to him. I can't lie he smelt amazing and his hair was finally gone.

"I still wanna sit down and talk. Please?"

"Chris we broke up two months ago. There is nothing to sit down and talk about. It's time to move on."

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