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I sat on the couch watching TV after finishing up my homework. This has become my new favorite spot in this house since I'm here alone most of the time. Bri is up under Tre, working at the bar, or at school most of the time and I'm all by my lonesome.

I miss my best friend. But I'm happy that she's finally happy. She's one of those girls that falls in love very fast and always ends up hurt. I've tried to talk her into taking this slow with my brother because I know she really likes him and I don't want her hurt again but she didn't listen.

But she's a grown woman, I can't tell her what to do.


The night I chilled with Chris was cool. He's very funny, I stayed laughing and I loved that. That's all we did when we went and ate was crack jokes.

He's a cool guy. When you first see him you wouldn't expect him to be so goofy and playful but he is.

I wonder what he's up to right now. Probably at that club.

I was getting ready to get up and grab my phone when the front door opened. Trent and Sabrina walked in.

"Wooooow, hello love birds." I said.

"Best friend I've been calling you!" Sabrina said.

"My phone is my room. I've been out here since last night."

"Oh, I needed help with some of my homework if you have the time."

"I'll help you."

"Thanks. So how was dinner with Chriiiiis?" She asked while smiling.

"It was cool. It wasn't like a date or anything like that we just decided to go get some food. He's so funny. I laughed that whole night."

"When I saw you guys walking down the stairs together I almost cried because y'all so cute together."

"We're just friends."

"Yeah for now. He'll be up in that soon."

I rolled my eyes.

"Excuse me?" Trent said while walking out the kitchen eating my chips.

"Danielle has a boyfriend babe." Sabrina said.

"Who?" He asked.

"Chris." She responded

"Chris from the strip club, my friend Chris?"

"Yes and he's not my boyfriend." I said

"Good and he don't need to be." Trent said.

I quickly turned and looked at him.

"Why not?" I asked.

"You don't need to be caught up in that lifestyle he live. I'll kill that nigga if he ever let something happen to you." Trent said.

"Trent I'm a grown ass woman. I can deal with whoever I please."

"That's what you think. That nigga got a bitch for every day of the week and that's who you wanna be with." He shook his head.

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