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One Month Later.


I got called for an interview for a RN position and I got the job on the spot!

I'm so happy. I cried so hard when I got in the car. I prayed so hard for this position and now it's mine! I was truly starting to feel like all my hard work was for nothing.

Nurse Danielle Khan!


I rushed to Chris's place. I couldn't wait to tell him! I pulled up in his driveway. I was so excited I couldn't even get the key.

Once I finally started dropping them I rushed in.

"Chris!!! Christopherrrr where are you?!"

He walked upstairs from his basement. Spray paint all over his hands and body. I loved seeing him like this.

"Wassup, why you so jumpy?" He asked.

"You will never guess what just happened to me."

"What happened?"

"So my interview was today aaaaaaaand."

"You got the job?"

"Yes!!! She didn't even finish the interview she just gave it to me and it's on the maternity floor just like I wanted I'm so excited!"

"I'm so happy for you baby." He kissed me.

"Everything is finally coming together."

He nodded and walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water.

"You okay?"

"I'm good."

"Doesn't look like it. What's wrong?"

"Nothing Dani."

"Chris don't lie to me." I kicked off my shoes and walked over to him and rubbed his stomach. "Talk to me."

He just looked at me. His eyes were red. They weren't glassy so I knew it wasn't from weed.

"Have you been crying?" I asked.

I should've known something was up. Chris doesn't usually paint unless something is bothering him.

He rubbed his head as he exhaled loudly.

"I got a call from the prison and you know my dad was supposed to be getting out soon."


"Well the other day he got into a fight and they said he got jumped and they stabbed him in both sides twice. He's fighting for his life." His eyes clouded up again.

"Baby it's going to be okay."

"It's NOT going to be okay!" He smacked a glass bowl off the counter. I jumped back. "Don't fucking lie to me!"

I just stepped back.

"This is some bullshit!" He punched the refrigerator twice putting a dent in it.

"Chris baby, calm down please." I gently rubbed his arm.

He looked at me. The pain in his eyes made me tear up.

"Dani what am I gonna do with out him?"

I grabbed his hand and took him over to the couch. I sat down an he laid in my lap. I rubbed the side of his face and kissed his cheek.

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