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One Month Later.

I was waiting for Sabrina at a cafe close to my moms house. She dm'd me on Instagram to meet up for lunch. We aren't as close as we used to be since my brother basically runs her life. I really do miss our relationship. We were inseparable but I guess things change.

I was texting Chris a list of things to get me from Walmart.

I heard the chair in front of me move. I locked my phone and looked up.

"Well hello stranger!" I said while hugging her.

"Hi long lost best friend." Sabrina said.

We sat down.

"How have you been?" She asked.

"Getting better day by day."

"I see you've been doing a bunch of retail therapy." She lifted my wrist, looking at a diamond Cartier watch Chris bought me.

"It was a gift."

"From Chris?" She asked.

"So how is my nephew?"

"Amazing, he's getting so big. You have to come see him."

"You should've brought him with you."

"I needed a break. Maybe next time. Are you back to work yet?"

"No, I have a few more weeks left before I go back."

"I can't wait for Trent to be more comfortable with somebody watching TJ so I can get back to work."

"Why not have my dad or your parents watch him?"

"Your dad is busy with work or he's with your mom and Trent and my parents don't really get a long."



"My brother is an asshole, I don't understand how you put up with him."

"He's just looking out for you."

"No he's just trying to control me and I won't let him. I told him to stay away from you and he didn't. Why should I listen to him?"

"So you're with Chris?"

I rolled my eyes and ate some of the fruit off of my plate.

"You are!"

"So what! I'm a grown ass woman. Trent can not tell me who I can deal with. He is not my father. He's my annoying ass brother that needs to get his shit together!"

"What is it about Chris? Is it the money?"

"Money? Are you serious?"

"He's so dangerous! Why would you want to be with someone like him?"

I just laughed and shook my head.

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